Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic, recruiters are learning to adapt and using video call platforms to carry-out interviews. Many are referring to it as the “new normal”. The skill of using video technology may be one you are required to use throughout your new role.
This type of technology has been around for awhile but now many recruiters and employees are more inclined to use this type of service.

It’s important that a video interview is taken just as seriously as a traditional face-to-face interview, with research and practice.
There are different platforms which can be used such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype. They often require installation which is usually easy to do. It’s important your internet speed and security software are compatible. To install these apps there are Youtube tutorials available. A video camera and microphone will be required and these should be tested beforehand.
It is best to carryout a test run with a friend before-hand to ensure that everything generally runs smoothly. This will look impressive to the recruiter and add less stress to the initial interview process.
Top Tips
If you are required to take part in a video interview from home, the room in which the video call will take place should be quiet, without distractions and good lighting.
There should be no distractions from other people, pets or neighbours. Ensure your mobile phone is switched off or on silent.
Most platforms have an option to view yourself before the video call to see how you will appear. This should be checked before the interview takes place. Although the interviewer can only usually see your face, the usual dress code should apply ie. smart, smart-casual. There is a chance the interviewer could ask you to stand up to ensure you are fully dressed. It’s also important to note that stripes or bright coloured clothing may not reflect well on camera.
As the interviewer can only see your face, ensure you engage fully by nodding and agreeing with the interviewer as they cannot judge your body language.
Finally, just remember to be yourself. If there is an issue with the technology it can sometimes be out of your control. Show your personality – it’s okay to “talk” with your hands or be expressive but be aware of your facial expressions.
To summarise it, although there are physical differences between a face-to-face interview and video interview, the intent is the same. Being able to adapt to a video interview will let the interviewer the best chance of making the right decision.
Best of Luck!!